
FRC Queue

A communication & queue management tool for use at FIRST Robotics Competition events

Live site:

FRC Division Notifier

SMS, email, and push notifications, data analysis, charts and more

675k+ pageviews, 58K+ unique users

Live site:

Screenshots 2017 (imgur)

Screenshots 2016 (imgur)

Screenshots 2015 (imgur) 


A compiler written in C for a subset of Pascal

GitHub repository 

Down for this? 

The University of Tulsa ACM Hackathon 2015- 1st Place Winner

GitHub repository (with screenshots) 

Degree Map

The University of Tulsa ACM Hackathon 2014- 2nd Place Winner

GitHub repository (with screenshots) 

Student Scheduler

Genetic Algorithm App

A simple genetic algorithm engine for the geometric connected dominating set problem written in Java

GitHub repository

Report (pdf)

Screenshots (imgur)

RFID Vaccination Record System

HexGrid Live Wallpaper